Fun Fall Spa Water

Fun Fall Spa Water

We feature a new flavor of Spa Water every month at Helping Hands Massage & Aromatherapy . For the month of October we are featuring a new fan favorite.

Iced Orange Cinnamon Water.

We truly believe that it's the quality of the cinnamon that makes this so special. Check out the company Microingredients. This is where we get the cinnamon from. According to their website, they have such a variety of ingredients. 

This is how we make our Iced Orange Cinnamon Water.

Place a handful of cinnamon sticks in a Pyrex and cover with boing water to create a cinnamon broth. As this rests, slice two Naval Oranges and place in a two-gallon dispenser. Now add your cinnamon sticks and broth to the dispenser. Fill the dispenser with ice. Finally, fill the dispenser with water. Give it a stir and enjoy!

Please tell us about your Iced Orange Cinnamon Water experience or share with us your favorite spa water. 

Happy Fall,

Carol Ann

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